This Week's Scripture

"Nor shall you bring an abomination into your house, lest you be doomed to destruction like it." Deuteronomy 7:26

This Week's Prayer!

We invite Your Holy Spirit to dwell in these rooms, which belongs to Henry, Anthony, Zoë, Asa, Rose, Grace, and Elijah, and in Heidi, Angel, and Angela's room. You are Lord over heaven and earth, and we proclaim that You are Lord over their rooms as well. Flood it with Your light and life. We pray that You, Lord, will make their rooms a holy place, sanctified for Your glory. And may You also dwell in our room and in each one of our extended family and friend's rooms.

Monday, July 30, 2007

We are going to the BEACH!!

I posted last week that we were very surprised at our home.....Well, our pastor has been doing a series on Vacations and at the beginning of the series he had told the church he will be sending one family on a vacation after the series. I never heard this because during this entire series I spent my time in the nursing room with my active 6 month old who refuses to enjoy nursery! So I did not get to hear alot of this series. Anyway, THE CHURCH STAFF GOT US GOOD! They had called us in the beginning of the week asking if they could come get the rest of our adoption story. This was not something that surprised us because they had interviewed us after our first two adoptions. Anyway, we prayed all week for God to tell us exactly what to say in hopes others would watch it and consider adoption! I had my notes.....I was ready!! So we are sitting at our table, cameras on, interview in progress and then there was a knock at our door..... it was one of our pastors, Mike Haman, dressed in beach attire! I don't remember anything he said except vacation and babysitters!! That's right!!!!! A vacation with babysitters!! WOW!!!!! So that was our surprise.....Our church chose our family to bless with a vacation! They are sending us to Destin, Florida!!!!! What an awesome blessing!!!!!

Thank you, God, for our "surprise" blessings!!!!!
Thank you, HPC!!!!!


Nanette said...

The video was great. I teared up watching it. You did look a little "speechless" in the video but I loved Grace standing on the chair and Asa rubbing Elijah's head at the end.
Have a great time!

MorningSong said...

YEAH you!!!! I know you've been longing for a trip to the beach!! Your Father God had it all worked out! Enjoy your much needed/deserved break!! I am sooooo happy for you!! I can't wait for the sand to be between your toes!!

Anonymous said...

We were overjoyed for you and the entire family! What a blessing! Melissa

Susan said...

Oh Aimee this is wonderful. I can't imagine anyone who would deserve it more!!! I love surprises and Praise God for giving you such a glorious one. Now just be sure to take your camera out this time. he he

Anonymous said...

wow do you guys deserve this! God is so creative! when is the trip?!

Season Broussard said...

What an awesome surprise! We saw the video at the 10am service. A vacation with babysitters...HPC really thinks of everthing! Your family deserves it! Have a wonderful time!!

Anonymous said...

You deserve it Aimee! I'm so excited for your family. Have a great time.

Jenni Williams

Anonymous said...

Thank you for letting me read such wonderful postings.
I look forward to assisting your lovely family. God has called me to service. I knew when I saw the video that I wanted to help you. It took my daughter Mollie to line it all up. I will be ready Sunday to carry your extra luggage in my Yukon as well as your second Nanny. God has special plans for all of us. Carol

Gered Lambert said...

I am soooo out of the loop! I just heard about this this morning. One of the Elevate students was watching this on DVD before classes this morning.

You guys are SOOOO deserving! I'm glad ya'll had a great time. God is faithful! You guys are such AWESOME stewards of EVERYTHING God has for you! This is your earthly reward and your HEAVENLY reward will be SOOOO much better!

We love you guys!