This Week's Scripture

"Nor shall you bring an abomination into your house, lest you be doomed to destruction like it." Deuteronomy 7:26

This Week's Prayer!

We invite Your Holy Spirit to dwell in these rooms, which belongs to Henry, Anthony, Zoƫ, Asa, Rose, Grace, and Elijah, and in Heidi, Angel, and Angela's room. You are Lord over heaven and earth, and we proclaim that You are Lord over their rooms as well. Flood it with Your light and life. We pray that You, Lord, will make their rooms a holy place, sanctified for Your glory. And may You also dwell in our room and in each one of our extended family and friend's rooms.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Enjoying Every Day

Lord, help me to enjoy everyday of my life.....the good, the bad, and the ugly! Help me to not discipline them more than I show them love! Help me to control my voice so that it is not louder than the airplanes that fly over. Help me to give of myself more to the little things in their life. Help me, Lord!

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